One out of
every four accidents can be blamed on poor backing techniques, according
to the National Safety Council. PSI employees are acutely aware that poor
backing can result in costly damage, serious injury or even fatality. Our staff
is trained to recognize that backing accidents are always preventable if the driver
is properly trained – and prudent.
Our drivers are taught that those
who practice defensive driving will never take any situation for granted, but
will observe and judge each parking requirement on its own. Even though backing
into a particular parking spot a dozen times, PSI drivers look and evaluate the
same spot each time to be sure of clearances and to make certain no new
obstacles are in the way.
Tips for backing techniques:
- - Practice, practice, practice
- - Be aware of the big blind spot – use all your mirrors
- - Move backwards at a “crawl”
- - If needed, get out of the car and walk around to inspect any hazards
- - Have a co-worker (or passenger) help you maneuver
Many accidents can be avoided if drivers practice defensive
parking. For more information about Parking Solutions’ safe drivers, visit